Summer's Rhinoplasty, Septoplasty, Turbinate Reduction Journal
Procedure: Rhinoplasty/Septoplasty/Turbinectomy
Surgeon: Dr. Daniel Rousso, FACS (highly accredited facial-only surgeon; lectures worldwide, written textbooks, involvement in int'l societies for facial surgeries, beautiful reconstruction work on deformities/accident cases....I felt very confident in my choice of surgeon!)
Location: Healthsouth Hospital, Birmingham, AL
Surgery Day: Thursday August 19, 2004
Why I wanted surgery in a nutshell: I never was really totally displeased with my nose, as I felt it was bearable to live with and wasn't a horrible nose. However, I never really cared for my nose. I kinda felt badly for considering the nose job, as it's similar to my mom's nose in some ways. Then, one day I got it in my head, "I'm semi-young, single, no kids to feel guilty about for spending $$ on myself, so why not?!" I could either complain about it over the next 20 years, finally decide to do it when I am 40-50yrs old and REGRET not having done it sooner, OR....I can do it and can benefit from a somewhat-improved appearance while I am "young." So I did it! Of course, family & friends were going to tell me the cliche, "Summer, you don't need it though", etc. At this point, I had decided to do it for ME. It wasn't to get any attention from guys or to be viewed differently by others...getting attention has never been a deficit in my life. I just wanted to do it for ME. That's it.
Consultation: Couldn't have felt more comfortable than I did immediately with Dr. Rousso and his staff. All were absolutely wonderful and took ample time speaking about my concerns. The nurse had had her nose done 5 yrs prior. She told me that she hurt during the healing period, but then 2 years ago had breast augmentation, and after going through the breast surgery pain, she could have gone through 10 nose surgeries!! I'd had the breast augmentation surgery in 1998 and knew exactly the pain she was describing. If the nose was "less pain", I could totally deal with that! :) Dr. Rousso also does a lot of revision rhinoplasties, which are harder procedures to perform. Alot of patients come to him to "fix" what another surgeon botched. His work is wonderful in all cases. His primary goal is to leave the patient with a natural-looking nose, complimentary to his/her specific face....and NOT the same plastic nose on all his patients. I just wanted a bit of "refinement" mainly on the profile side...nothing too drastic. He said he could accomplish this and provided me with computerized images to take home. FYI....ask to take these home....they give you inspiration when you begin to doubt! Also, some surgeons won't give the pics to you, for liability reasons I am told. Dr. Rousso had no hesitation in giving me my simulation photos. Good sign! I scheduled the surgery 5 weeks out and paid for it in full the day of the consultation. That is how confident I was in Dr. Rousso! Now, no turning back despite any swaying I encountered from my friends/family!! :) the anticipation of waiting the 5 weeks! :(
Surgery Costs: By the way, I ended up having a rather large obstruction/deviated septum and "rather large turbinades" (whatever those were, I thought to myself!!), so insurance paid a good portion of the surgery! My out-of-pocket expense was $3600 + $16 Rx meds + $30 Arnica/Bromelain/vitamins + $25 private hospital room fee + "sitter fee" of $230 ($10.50/hr X 20 hours + tip)
In the meantime: Completed necessary physical, labwork, purchased meds/vitamins, bought week's worth of groceries, cleaned my apartment, got my last exercising days in, rented Blockbuster movies/magazines...just got all my "ducks in a row" so there'd be nothing to "bother" me when stuck in my bed for a week. I was going to be totally taking care of myself, so preparation was very important. FYI...if you are over 40yrs old, they will require an EKG, too.
Checked in Thursday, August 19, 11am --- surgery at 1pm. (Day after my 30th birthday!! What a gift I gave myself, huh!) I remember the nurses inserting my IV and then wheeling me to my private room, where I watched TV for an hour before I went to the operating room. I remember speaking to the anesthesiologist and the resident surgeon and after that, I honestly have no clue. Next thing I remember is being back in my private hospital room at 4pm, where my "sitter" Marie awaited my arrival. Dr. Rousso requires his patients to have a "sitter" for about a 20-hour period (see cost section for monetary amount required). Even if a family member HAD been there with me, the sitter is still mandatory. These people are trained in what to look for should any problems occur during the overnight stay in the hospital. Marie was the next-best thing to having my own mom/grandmother there! Such a sweet lady and reminded me of my g'mother - very nurturing! She kept me company, constantly changed my cold rags, gave me medication, took me to the bathroom, etc. Glad to have had her there.
Check-out of Hospital: My breath is horrible; I have extreme cotton-mouth, and I was very paranoid talking to my sitter, the nurses, and everyone else in Dr. Rousso's clinic. Marie drove me to Dr. Rousso's clinic for official "checkout." Dr. Bennett, resident surgeon, gave me comforting words of hope. All doctors and nurses said that they were surprised to see how quickly I bruised (said I started bruising/swelling almost immediately on the operating table... but assured me that my nose already looked "soooo beautiful," of which I am certain they tell all patients who need extreme reassurance at this crucial time. Dr. Rousso assured me that the "Ms. Piggy" look would subside, but that it had to be taped up that high at surgery onset. Note: Dr. Rousso doesn't pack his noses. Therefore, I didn't have to experience this at all, thank goodness. I had tiny splints inside my nose aside from the big splint on top, but that is about it. On the way out, I came across a lady who said she was "worse than me" in terms of bruising/swelling when she had her rhinoplasty performed in December. This gave me hope, as she had a cute nose! Marie drove me home and I was on my own from here on out.
Day One, 6pm: No pain whatsoever Heavy splint on my nose. At times, it feels like my nose is dripping blood but in reality, it isn't. If I keep the iced cold rags over my eyes, I am ok, but then the nose fully stops up and allows for mouth-only breathing. I had fixed those mixtures of rubbing alcohol/water that I read about through the online rhinoplasty journals. However, I don't see how the weight of those little bags could have been good for my nose. I've nixed that idea. Consequently, I put many frozen blocks of ice and ice cubes into a large pan. I dip my rag in the cold water and place it on my eyes and it seems to suffice pretty well. I change out the pan with more ice about every hour or so. At this time, I get terrible sore throat. Also swallowing is rather gross as it feels there is stuff, like mucous and "other", stuck in my throat. I am back at home now, alone. TV is on. Have to sit in a 60 degree angle at all times, so I am doing so with a ton of propped up pillows on my bed. The batteries on my remote do not work. Just great! However, I cannot see the TV or read to pass the time away anyway, as I can't use my glasses or contacts right now - have to keep the compresses on a few days longer. BTW... I am swollen and very dark bruised under my eyes and all the way up until my upper eyelid. It's rather disgusting to be honest.
Day Two, 8:45 am: I was hoping for major differences but wishful thinking on my part! My cheeks look like chipmunks. I am still keeping the cold rags on my eyes, so that the nasal drip feeling is not there as much. No pain. Still heavy bruising... I'll include pictures, but beware, as they are rather graphic. At this point, I am just glad to have read the other online rhino diaries; otherwise, I would be pretty worried about my appearance right now. However, no one really seemed to have swelled as I did in the online pictures I viewed (and I viewed a lot of 'em!). So here I am giving you readers out there in cyberland a different perspective of the whole ordeal. All I gotta say is that it better be worth it in the end b/c I just look crummy.
Still taking all medications: Bromelain, Arnica Montana, 6000 mg vitamin C (clinic only recommended 500mg but I decided to take more), Centrum Performance, Cephalexin, Hydrocodone (as needed), Ambien (as needed), some type of steroid. I only WISH these pain meds or sleeping pills would knock me out. I can't really sleep at all. I am soooo bored since I can't watch TV or read due to having to put the compresses on my eyes... therefore, no glasses and I can't see without aid. I think I am legally blind!! NOTE to SELF: LASIK surgery would have been nice to have had prior to this!
Day Two, 1:35pm: Took another shower, washed hair, put tanning creme on even! Feel much better. Cleaned up my nose a bit. I am feeling fine. The nose just feels heavy. The glasses are getting on my nerves and I can't wait to be able to wear contact lenses next week. Bruising seems to have lessened in color, yet still on the darker side. Drank a Slim Fast and few crackers. No taste buds so not much into eating these days, which hopefully will result in a few shedded poundage in the end! :) Nothing is making me sleep though. I probably need to call Dr. Rousso's office to get them to increase the milligram dosage of my Ambien or Lortab. I would like to get SOME type of rest. This is really gross, but it seems as if there is a big hard formed ball of blood in my right nostril. I sooo want to yank it out. I also can feel my stitches in the front portion of my nose - kinda weird. I really wish I could swab out the entire portion of my nose; however, I have been instructed to ONLY roll around the very inside with a Q-tip dipped in hydrogen I continue to follow instructions like a good-girl.
Day 3, 9:15am: Cheeks are inflated. Bruising is mostly going towards yellow in color. Eyes still have purple bruising but less of it. My nose feels so very stiff. I am still wearing drip pads, but more for security. I have hydrogen-peroxided and Vaselined my outer and inner nostril area, each time hoping chunks of the dried ball of blood will come out but no luck. I want to flare my nostrils so bad, but it's too tight in there. I cannot stress how badly I'd like to flare!!! I still am not really eating anything, since nothing is really tasted. Other things I am eating: Instant Breakfasts, Spaghetti O's, vegetable soup. The closest I can get to tasting anything is when I eat Cheeze-its, Honey Graham crackers, and Wheat Thins. I am not able to open my mouth very far, though, to chew. I did take another shower and wash my hair this morning... if I have to stay cooped up in this bed, feeling clean is essential. This is probably the last day for the cold compresses, per Dr. Bennett's instruction that after Day 3 there is little use. Off to watch Lifetime...oh and I found some batteries for my TV remote!! Much easier!
Day 3, 1:15am: My cheeks are so whole face is for that matter! My face is totally foreign to me...and to a few family members who have seen my online pics I've posted. Who is that girl in the mirror? I probably wasn't supposed to, but I put my contacts in and it was an uplift in my day. Ahhh...the small things these days mean so much! Haha. I have also now decided to remove the drip pad once and for all, although it's a weird feeling without it. I have grown accustomed to having it there for safety, I guess. I feel very exposed without it. A little bit of air can get through my passageway, but I continue to only breathe through the mouth, b/c it's gross to hear sniffing sounds in my nose and know I can do nothing about it. Still watching Lifetime movies. I feel like I should be doing work-stuff, but I cannot at this time. Maybe tomorrow. Bruising is more yellow than anything else. excluding where my drip pad tape has been this whole time. Now maybe that will go away since I took it off. Doc just called to check in with me again...said after the third day that swelling/bruising lessens considerably. I don't think mine will though!! Today, in speaking with my mom, she reminded me that when I had my impacted wisdom teeth removed, I was soooo swollen. Soooo...I think it's just an "Summer-ism." Figures! I have the worst luck ever! Ugh - feeling the pressure of my splint - guess my pain med is wearing off. Goodnight.
Day 4, Monday, 5am: Got up more swollen than ever and this was to be the day it lessens! What??@#!. Ugh. What is wrong with me? I can't take much more of the way I look. It's disgusting. My face is a big over-inflated balloon. On top of that, my nose is soooo tight-feeling. I'm gonna take a Lortab and go back to bed.
Day 4, Monday, 8am: Still swollen, but at least I went back to sleep. Showered, washed hair, and went to get iced water for my compresses. Looks like I'll be using compresses/iced rags again today, going by my swollen face. Doc said it won't really do any good, but then again, maybe he's never seen such a swollen patient face as myself! I'll do whatever I have to. Don't think I'll be going back to work this week either. I ordered a new laptop, so that is the only hopeful thing I have going for me today. Perhaps it will come and take my mind away from my ugliness and discomfort. For now, I'll watch my TLC shows all morning.
Day 4, Monday 2pm: What is up with this pressure on my nose? My nostrils feel like they are closing in with all the "junk" that is in them too! I just emailed the clinic to let them know that I've been taking the pain meds to diminish the feeling of pressure that I feel every few hours when the meds wear off. I am down to 4-5 pills. I don't "overuse" meds at all, be it Tylenol or whatnot. Dr. Bennett called me back inquiring on my swollenness. Said he'd be glad to see me tomorrow if it'd make me feel better; however, I deem going to the clinic unnecessary, I guess. I shouldn't trouble them. I probably made the swelling sound worse to the doc than it really is. Doc said he'd call me in more pain meds tomorrow, if needed. Agreed. Gosh, I feel like the biggest baby and the biggest complainer the past few days! I'm sorry.
Day 5, Tuesday: I can breathe better - woohoo. You take normal breathing for granted until you go through something like this!
Day 6, Wednesday: Ugh! I cannot breathe better anymore. In fact, it feels like the first few days! My entire nose has the sensation that the inside of it is closing in on me. It IS basically fully closed in. If I knew I wasn't going in tomorrow morning, I swear I'd pry this splint off of me! I am getting sick of it!
Day 7, Thursday: The Unveiling! I have now had the splint removed. There were splints inside too...had no idea. It was kinda uncomfy while they cleaned my nose out, but I made it through just fine. As for what *I* think: I really like the profile! I don't see much change from the front; however, in the initial "projected pics" the doc predicted, I never saw much difference in the first place. And to be honest, I was never really just horribly dissatisfied with the frontal view so that's ok. I think he got pretty close, if not the exact, to the initial pics I was provided. What to expect in the upcoming months: Dr. Rousso says there will be some type of change everyday for about a month. He predicted the tip to go down just a bit and then the skin area b/w my lip and bottom of nose will go back in towards my face, once the swelling is over with. It can change up to a year and probably will. He tells me it's a bit swollen right now but I like it!...hopefully , it will just get a bit more defined and it'll get better. I think at 3 months is when you can start to see what your "final outcome" might be more. Again, patience is theme for the rhinoplasty surgery patient! It has already been worth it to me and I am very glad I had it done. I wasn't going for a super-duper change, but the changes I wanted made were made so I am happy. Taking into account that I am swollen in my 7-day pics, and I am VERY happy with the outcome. I am still kinda weak and have to take it easy for the next week. No exercise for 3 weeks and no "contact sports" for 5. Heck yeah! The worst is over! :) I won't come back to the clinic for another month.
Day 8, Friday: I got out of my apartment for about 4 hours to do some errands. I guess it takes a few days for the anesthesia to get out of my body, b/c I got tired pretty quickly. It was good to get out though. I am not able to cover up the bruising under my right eye, so I feel people are looking at me, thinking I am in an abusive relationship or something.
Day 9, Saturday: I got out about 2 hours today. Bruising still present...some on my eyelids, but mostly under my right eye. To combat, I am still taking Vitamin C, Centrum, Bromelain and Arnica Montana (both the tablets under my tongue 3 times per day AND the Arnica gel on my bruising). Nothing seems to be helping. I am still getting nasty crud in my nose a few times per day. I pick at my nose with Q-tips and feel I am probably stretching my nostrils out, but I can't help it. My nose starts feeling so FULL. The left side of my lips slant downward kinda. Either the surgery lifted one side up and brought one side down. I am hoping I don't have to start collagen injections to even me out! One positive not is that I can breathe better today though.
Day 9, Saturday 11pm: NOT good. I was picking at the crusting inside my nose with a Q-tip...started bleeding and wouldn't stop. Forced to interrupt the resident doc's Saturday night at 11pm. I felt so bad for having to call him! Eventually got it to stop with Afrin and cotton balls. Ugh. I will go in this week to vacuum my nose out again, if it's too full to deal with.
Day 10, Sunday: Nothing eventful and no apparent changes. Swelling still present from frontal view. I really think there is almost no difference in the front now, which I am not especially upset about...just seems like more might have changed. I guess that shows the quality of Dr. Rousso's surgery...a good nose job is one where everything looks very natural and not a carbon copy of other fake nose procedures done. A good surgeon does what looks best for his patients' facial aspects. Ok, no bleeding today, but it is very crusty inside from last night's episode. Dr. Bennett called to check in; he's very attentive and it's much appreciated. He's called me every single day!
Day 18, Labor Day Monday (now in latter part of 3rd wk post-op!): The bruising has finally totally subsided. I am very happy now. I never could cover up my bruising sufficiently, even with corrective Physicians Formula makeup. My smile is getting better, as well. Underneath my nose, that skin below it (and above my upper lip) remains tight. I can finally flare my nostrils decently and feel much more "free." I still can't "scrunch" my nose all too great, but it's getting more "moveable." Breathing is much better and it feels more "open" inside my nose. I am not having to "pick" at the inside of my nose too much anymore, which is great. I never was to have done that anyways; however, I don't see how the average person would NOT do that! There's just too much JUNK inside it. Starts to hurt after awhile, if I don't pick all the stuff out! Sorry for being kinda graphic, but I was amazed at some of the stuff filling up the inside of my nozzle! :) And my doc did not want me using nasal sprays like others got to that I read about in the online diaries. I wonder why not...oh well...doc's orders so I will abide. Appearance of nose: My aunt didn't recognize anything different on me. My best friend said it looked awesome and very natural. I, personally, don't see THAT much difference from the front still when I look in a mirror; however, in pictures I take of myself, there is something different. Just can't put my finger on it. I think I see more of my nostrils. Profile --> Marked difference and I really like it. It HAS changed. When I compare to the simulated initial results from the consultation, I see where the nose comes out more from my face than in the simulation. There is also a bit of a turn-up with my tip still when compared to simulation. I like it, though. I do wish the skin under my nose would retract more into my face. I feel like it's a diagonal line from the tip almost, if that makes sense. I know the nose is not through changing yet though. *Patience, Summer!* Overall, very pleased!! My surgeon is wonderful in my eyes!
Day 20, Wednesday: Is it fall allergies manifesting themselves in me or part of the healing process? I am feeling like there's liquidy mucous now...not hard as it has been thus far. I want to blow my nose, but don't think I can yet. I've never had allergies, so I dunno what this is about. It's not bad, but I just never really get a runny nose and now that I have, I don't know if I can blow it due to post-op instructions. I need to find them!!
Day 21, Thursday: 3 weeks post-op! Wow! Can't believe how time flies! Seems like I JUST had the surgery! Nothing eventful....just monitoring changes here and there by taking MANY digital pictures of myself everyday. I have many more pics than what is displayed on the site....but didn't want to overdo it on those reading!! :)
Day 28, Thursday (9/16): 4 weeks post-op and cannot believe a month ago, I was having the surgery! FYI: Another significant event is that Hurricane Ivan arrives in AL a few hrs from now - ugh! Ok, I like my nose. By taking a lot of pictures over the past few weeks, I can see the little changes take place over time, as predicted. I am glad I took as many as I did; otherwise, I'd be wondering if it really changed, I think. My nose is becoming more "mobile" I guess is the word I am looking for; I can now "scrunch-up" my nose, flare my nostrils, squeeze my nostrils together, etc. When I scrunch up my nose, I can still feel the tightness on the sides of the bridge. The columella and tip are still tender/numb-feeling. My visit with Dr. Rousso is still not until October 4.
NOTE: I'll end it here for now, but will send in updates at perhaps the 3-month, 6-month, and 1-year marker as time passes.
The Photos!
*click any phot for a larger image*
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Computer Imaging | Right After Surgery |
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1 Day Post-op | Day 3 - Trying to smile |
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Day 3 - Chipmunk Cheeks | Day 4 - Bruising |
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Day 4 - 3/4 View | Day 7 - Before Unveiling |
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Day 7 - Unveiling Frontal | Day 7 - Unveiling 3/4 View |
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Day 10 - Close Profile | Day 10 - 3/4 View |
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Day 13 - Profile | Day 17 - Frontal |
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4 Weeks Post - Frontal | 4 Weeks Post - Side |
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Summer - Progression Photos |


