A How To Guide: Prepare for Rhinoplasty

Your surgeon will give you an information packet that explains everything you should do and know before your rhinoplasty surgery date. It will include information on where the surgery will take place, at what time, and at what time you need to be there before your surgery.
The packet should include information on the medications you should not take in the days or weeks leading up to your surgery. These medications will include, but may not be limited to, products with aspirin or ibuprofen and alcohol and certain herbal supplements.
The information packet will also tell you what lab tests you need to have taken before your surgery. You will probably have to have blood tests done before your surgery, and possibly a chest x-ray. This is normally an extra out-of-pocket expense. The tests are to check your levels of blood cells, which can be a clue to an infection or underlying problem such as anemia.
Supplements and Medications to Avoid Before Surgery
Make sure your surgeon has a complete list of the medications that you take, everything, including over-the-counter products, vitamins, and herbal products. Do not take any brand of aspirin, or any of the aspirin-containing drugs on our Medications and Supplements to Avoid Before Surgery list for 14 days before surgery and 14 days after surgery.
Aspirin, ibuprofen, and products containing aspirin and ibuprofen may inhibit blood clotting and cause bleeding problems during and after surgery. If you need a fever reducer or pain reliever, take Tylenol or another brand of acetaminophen.
If you smoke, stop smoking at least 2 weeks before surgery and don't start again until at least 2 weeks after your surgery date. Smoking significantly impairs your circulation and slows down healing. Frankly, this might be a good time to stop smoking completely.
We have some helpful lists that you can use to help prepare for your surgery and make your rhinoplasty recovery more comfortable:
• Preoperative Preparation Check List
• Preoperative Shopping Check List
• Postoperative Emotions Reminder List