Preparing for Rhinoplasty: Emotional Stability a Must

Rhinoplasty surgery is not just physical, it is a very emotional experience as well. One that can have great impact on your mind, both positively and negatively. Many aspects of surgery—any surgery—can affect your emotions to the point where you may become temporarily depressed or anxious.
Preparing yourself emotionally is an important step in planning for your nose job because you can set yourself up for depression and shock if you are not fully ready. Take the time to organize your thoughts before your surgery.
Anesthesia and medications can affect your emotional balance, and it is important to know and understand this. Being calm and relaxed can decrease your recovery time and help things progress more easily.
You will have preoperative jitters. That is to be expected. But if you try to relax and trust your surgeon and let him do his job, everything will go more smoothly. Getting worked up about your surgery to the point of fright can lead to severe tension that can interfere with the healing process, so try to stay positive and upbeat. It is normal to be excited and have an adrenaline rush from knowing you will have a new nose very soon!
How to Prepare for Your Rhinoplasty Surgery Emotionally
There are several ways to help your mind ease its way into your surgery and knowing them can help you both pre- and postoperatively. Here are some of the steps I took before surgery to help me put things into perspective:
• Make sure your surgeon is aware of your wishes
• Make sure you have on hand all of the things you will need, from groceries to gauze
• Have all of your medications in order and prepare a place for them to be with your medication time chart
• Talk with your spouse or family about concerns you may have and reassure them why you want the surgery
• Look at old photographs and go over either on paper or in your head why you truly want the surgery
Tell yourself several times that after the nose surgery you will be:
• bruised
• sore
• swollen
• possibly asymmetrical
• tired
• irritable
• unsure
• possibly depressed
Print out our Postoperative Emotions Reminder List to help you remember how to prepare for rhinoplasty.
If you understand all of the above beforehand, you should have no surprises. However, even though you know in your mind now that you will feel this way later, you won't necessarily remember later.
In the days before the surgery, do whatever it is that relaxes you best. Take a nice bath or hot shower beforehand and wash your hair, and perhaps light some candles and soak for a bit. Even play some relaxing music while in the tub or shower.
Remember that this doesn't have to be a stressful time. Once you've decided to have your nose done, stressing and worrying doesn't make anything better. Stress can increase healing time and blood pressure can soar during this time. Think of your health, and better yet, think of how you will look in the following weeks after surgery!