Rhinoplasty Surgery and Nose Anatomy Glossary
accessory cartilages - cartilages connecting the lateral ends of the lateral crura to the pyriform aperture edge
acne rosacea - acne involving the skin of the nose, forehead, and cheeks that is common in middle age and characterized by congestion, flushing, telangiectasia, and marked nodular swelling of tissues, especially of the nose; called also rosacea
adenoid - an abnormally enlarged mass of lymph tissue at the back of the pharynx that can swell, obstructing the nasal and ear passages and inducing mouth breathing, a nasal voice, and postnasal discharge
ala - a wing or a winglike anatomic process or part; as in ala nasi (below)
ala nasi - the expanded outer wall of cartilage on each side of the nose
alae (plural of ala) - the lateral wings. The rounded eminence that forms the lateral nostril wall that extends from the tip to join the upper lip.
alaeque - a muscle that arises from the nasal process of the maxilla, passes downward and laterally, and divides into a part inserting into the alar cartilage and one inserting into the upper lip; it dilates the nostril and raises the upper lip
alar cartilage - one of the pair of lower lateral cartilages of the nose
alar groove - the external, oblique skin depression that follows the caudal margin of the lateral crus as it runs upward from the alar rim. It separates the tip from the thickened portion of the ala that joins the face at the superior cheek-lip junction.
anosmia - loss or impairment of the sense of smell
anterior - situated before, or toward the front
anterior nasal spine - the nasal spine formed by the union of processes of the two premaxillae
aperture - an opening or open space, such as the nostril
apex - the free angle of the external nose; any narrowed or pointed end of an anatomical structure.
atrium - an anatomical cavity or passage
bulla (plural: bullae) - a hollow thin-walled rounded bony prominence
buttress graft - a graft that that supports or strengthens
bony pyramid - the bony portion of the nose made up bilaterally of the nasal bone and frontal process of the maxilla
Bowman's gland - any of the tubular and often branched glands occurring beneath the olfactory epithelium of the nose; called also gland of Bowman's, olfactory gland
bridge (nasal) - the portion of the nose that is supported by the nasal bones.
canthal - of, or having to do with the canthis; the upper bony part of the nose
canthis - either of the angles formed by the meeting of the upper and lower eyelids; the corners of the eyes
cartilage crusher/press - a stainless steel surgical instrument that crushes graft cartilage into a thin sheet to make it soft and pliable for reimplantation.
cartilage splitting (intra-cartilaginous) incision - An incision extending medial to lateral through the lateral crus separating the lateral crus into a superior and inferior portion.
cartilaginous pyramid - the cartilage that sits on top of the bony pyramid.
caudal septum - the free (inferior) border of the septum.
caudal - posterior; means same as inferior when referring to the nose.
cephalic - Means same as superior when referring to the nose; directed toward or situated in or near the head
chonae - the pair of posterior apertures of the nasal cavity that open into the nasopharynx. called also posterior nares
columella - The horizontal column at the base of the nose separating the nostrils (also called the columna)
columellar labial angle – the curved junction of the columella and the upper lip.
columellar lobular angle - The angle formed by the junction of the infra-tip lobule with the columella.
columna - The column at the base of the nose separating the nostrils (or columella)
concave - hollowed or rounded inward like the inside of a bowl
concha – the turbinates
convex - curved or rounded like the exterior of a sphere or circle
crura (plural of crus) - either of the diverging proximal ends of the greater alar cartilage of the nose
crus - either of the diverging proximal ends of the greater alar cartilage of the nose
dorsum (nasal) - Where the lateral surfaces of the upper two-thirds of the nose join in the midline. Sometimes referred to as the dorsum nasi
dysosmia - dysfunction of the sense of smell
epistaxis – a nose bleed
epithelium - a membranous tissue that covers a free surface or lines a tube or cavity of the body and that serves to enclose and protect other parts of the body, produce secretions and excretions, and function in assimilation
ethmoid - a light spongy cubical bone forming much of the walls of the nasal cavity and part of those of the orbits; called also ethmoidal bone
ethmoidal air cells - the cavities in the lateral masses of the ethmoid bone that are partly completed by adjoining bones and communicate with the nasal cavity
external nasal valve - external opening of the nostril
floor - the lower inside surface of a hollow anatomical structure
Frankfort Horizontal - (as in Frankfort Horizontal Line) - a plane used in craniometry that is determined by the highest point on the upper margin of the opening of the ear canal and the low point on the lower margin of the left orbit and that is used to orient a human skull or head usu. so that the plane is horizontal; called also Frankfort horizontal, Frankfort plane
frontal process - a long plate that is part of the maxillary bone and contributes to the formation of the lateral part of the nose and of the nasal cavity; called also nasal process
frontonasal - the frontal bone of the nose
glabella - the area between the eyebrows right above where the root of the nose touches the forehead; the smooth prominence between the eyebrows
glabellar – of the glabella
glands of Bowman - any of the tubular and often branched glands occurring beneath the olfactory epithelium of the nose. Called also Bowman's gland, olfactory gland
hanging columella – a columnella that droops down. This is usually due to redundant medial crura, inferior projection of the septal cartilage, but can also become a result of excessive removal of the lateral crural segments. In rare cases the hanging columella can be a result of excessive scarring.
hemitransfixion incision - an incision through the vestibular skin on one side of the membranous septum.
hiatus semilunaris - a curved fissure in the nasal passages into which the frontal and maxillary sinuses open
hyperosmia - extreme acuteness of the sense of smell
hyposomia - impairment of the sense of smell
inferior - situated lower on the body, away from the head, bottom
inferior meatus - a space extending along the lateral wall of the nasal cavity between the inferior nasal concha and the floor of the nasal cavity
inferior nasal concha - lower nasal concha/turbinate
infracture - to break the nasal bones and move them in, as to thin the nasal structure. Compare to outfracture.
infraorbital rim - the rim situated beneath the orbit of the eye, the lower part of the bony eye socket rim.
infratip lobule - the portion of the lobule between the tip defining points and the columellar-lobular angle.
infundibulum - any of the small spaces having walls beset with air sacs in which the bronchial tubes terminate in the lungs
integument - an enveloping layer (as a skin or membrane) of an organism or one of its parts (the skin of the nose)
inter - combining form for among or between
intercanthal - among or between the canthus
intercartilaginous incision - an incision placed just on the lower lateral cartilage side of the junction of the upper lateral cartilage with the lateral crus of the lower lateral cartilage.
internal nasal valve - the area of the junction of the caudal edge of the upper lateral cartilage with the nasal septum.
Jacobson's organ - a slender canal in the nasal mucosa that ends in a blind pouch, has an olfactory function, and is rudimentary in adult humans, called also vomeronasal organ
jugal bone - a bone of the side of the face below the eye that forms part of the zygomatic arch and part of the orbit and articulates with the temporal, sphenoid, and frontal bones and with the maxilla of the upper jaw; called also cheekbone, malar bone, zygoma
keystone area - junction of the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid with the septal cartilage at the dorsum of the nose.
lateral- of or toward the side.
lesser alar cartilages - small cartilages found in the lateral space between the upper and lower lateral cartilages. called also sesamoid cartilages
levator labii superioris alaeque nasi – see alaeque
lobule- the lower part of the nose bounded by the anterior nostril edge posteroinferiorly, the supratip area superiorly and the alar grooves laterally.
lower lateral cartilages - the paired inferior nasal cartilages consisting of the medial, middle, and lateral crura
marginal infracartilaginous incision - an incision along the caudal border of the medial and lateral crura.
mandible- the lower jaw
mandibular- of, or being associated with the lower jaw
maxilla- the upper jaw
meatus- a natural body passage
medial- being or occurring in the middle
menton- the chin, also called menta and mentum
middle meatus - a curved anteroposterior passage in each nasal cavity situated below the middle nasal concha and extending along the entire superior border of the inferior nasal concha middle nasal concha; middle nasal concha/turbinate
mucosal- of or related to mucous membrane or mucus
mucous membrane - a membrane rich in mucous glands; a membrane that secretes mucus
mucus– a slimy substance secreted by mucous membranes and glands, severs as protection and lubrication
nares- the pair of openings of the nose, nostril openings
nasal bone - either of two bones of the skull that lie in front of the frontal bones and which form the bridge of the nose by their juncture and partly cover the nasal cavity
nasal cavity - the vaulted chamber that lies between the floor of the cranium and the roof of the mouth extending from the nostrils to the pharynx
nasal concha - any of three thin bony plates on the lateral wall of the nasal fossa on each side with or without their covering of mucous membrane, called also turbinates
nasal fossa - either lateral half of the nasal cavity
nasal length - from radix to tip (RT)
nasal lobule - the lower part of the nose bounded by the anterior nostril edge posteroinferiorly, the supratip area superiorly, and the alar grooves laterally.
nasal notch - the rough surface on the anterior lower border of the frontal bone between the orbits that articulates with the nasal bones and the maxilla
nasal nerve - a branch of the ophthalmic nerve distributed in part to the ciliary ganglion and in part to the mucous membrane and skin of the nose; called also nasociliary nerve
nasal process - a long plate that is part of the maxillary bone and contributes to the formation of the lateral part of the nose and of the nasal cavity; called also frontal process
nasal septum - the bony and cartilaginous partition between the nasal passages
nasal spine - any of several median bony processes adjacent to the nasal passages
nasociliary nerve - a branch of the ophthalmic nerve distributed in part to the ciliary ganglion and in part to the mucous membrane and skin of the nose; called also nasal nerve
nasofrontal angle - angle of demarcation between forehead and nasal dorsum, best seen in profile.
nasolabial- area of the cheek that lies next to lower portion of the nose.
nasolabial angle - the angle seen from the side that is formed by a line drawn through the most anterior to most posterior point of the nostril intersecting the vertical facial plane. The desired angle in men is 90 to 95 degrees and in women is 95 to 100 degrees.
nasopalatine nerve - a nerve that innervates the glands and mucosa of the nasal septum and the anterior part of the hard palate
nasopharnyx- the upper part of the pharynx continuous with the nasal passages
nasus externus - Latin for the external nose
natural horizontal facial plane (NHFP) - A horizontal line extending through the lateral facial profile with the head in a normal relaxed position with the eyes looking straight ahead.
nose- the part of the face that bears the nostrils and covers the anterior part of the nasal cavity; broadly; this part together with the nasal cavity
olfaction- the sense of smell or the act or process of smelling
olfactory- of, relating to, or connected with the sense of smell
open roof - after infracture, the nasal bones may slip soon after or shift and fuse back together incorrectly. This can cause a groove or "open roof" deformity that can be easily seen and felt.
outfracture- to break the nasal bones and move them outward, as to widen the nasal structure. Compare to infracture
parosmia- a distortion of the sense of smell
pinched tip - refers to the tip being too thin which can occur naturally or from improper surgical technique or removal of scar tissue if revisionary.
pollybeak deformity - a nasal deformity caused by lack of support of the supratip
polyp- a projecting mass of swollen, overgrown, or tumorous membrane or tissue
polypectomy- the surgical excision of a polyp
polyposis- a condition characterized by the presence of numerous polyps
posterior- situated behind or below: as either caudal of dorsal
posterior nares - the pair of posterior apertures of the nasal cavity that open into the nasopharynx; called also the chonae
posterior nasal spine - the nasal spine that is formed by the union of processes of the two palatine bones
pyramid(nasal) - the bony portion of the nose made up bilaterally of the nasal bone and frontal process of the maxilla or the cartilage that sits on top of the bony pyramid.
pyriform aperture - The pear-shaped external bony opening of the nasal cavity
RT- radix to tip
radix- areas of junction between the frontal bone and the dorsum of the nose.
rasp- (noun): a coarse file with cutting points instead of lines; (verb): to abrade with a rasp
rhin- or rhino- (combining form) of or concerning the nose
rhinencephalon- the area of the brain that process scents/odor
rhinoplasty- plastic surgery on the nose; called also nose job
rhinosporidiosis- a fungal disease of the external mucous membranes (as of the nose)
rim incision - an incision placed just within the edge of the rim of the nostrils
rocker deformity - when a medial osteotomy produces a superior fracture at the thickest part of the frontonasal junction
root(nasal) - where the nose joins the forehead.
rosacea- see acne rosacea
saddle back - a scooped look to the bridge of the nose resulting from an overzealous osteotomy or rasping
saddle nose - a nose marked by depression of the bridge resulting from injury or disease; or as in the above application
scroll area - the area of recurvature of the lateral crus of the lower lateral cartilage of the nostril at its junction with the upper lateral cartilage.
sept- or septo- (also septi-) - (combining form) of or concerning the septum
septoplasty- surgical repair of the nasal septum
septorhinoplasty-the surgical repair of the nasal septum with added cosmetic techniques as well
septum(nasal) - the bony and cartilaginous partition between the nasal passages extending from between the nostrils back into the nasal cavity
sesamoid cartilages - small cartilages found in the lateral space between the upper and lower lateral cartilages
soft triangle - the thin skin fold between the alar rim of the nostril and the curved caudal border of the junction of the medial and lateral crura
sphenoid sinus - either of two irregular cavities in the body of the sphenoid bone that communicate with the nasal cavities
sphenoethmoidal recess - a small space between the sphenoid bone and the superior nasal concha into which the sphenoidal sinus opens
stomion- the median point of the mouth when the mouth is closed
subnasale- the area right under the nose
superior- situated higher up, top
superior nasal concha - the top nasal concha or turbinate
supratip or supratip area - The area just superior to the nasal tip at the inferior aspect of the nasal dorsum.
sutures- the name given to the small fissures in the skull where separate bones are fused together; in surgery, the string-like material with which a wound is closed, also known as "stitches".
TP- tip to stomion
tip projection - the distance from the tip of the nose to the most posterior point of the nasal-cheek junction (the distance that the nose projects from the face).
tip defining points (TDP) - the most projecting area on each side of the nose tip
tip rotation - movement of the tip up or down from the fixed alar base.
tip– the tip of the nose; the apex of the lobule, but it is frequently used when referring to the lobule.
transcollumellar incisions ("open" or "external" technique) - An incision used for the external rhinoplasty approach, through the thin skin of the columella connecting the medial terminations of the marginal incisions.
transfixion incision - An incision in the membranous septum between the caudal border of the septal cartilage and the columella.
trichion- the area of the face where the frontal hairline is. Referred to in facial analysis.
turbinates- three scrolls or shelves of bone (superior, middle, inferior) projecting from the lateral nasal wall that are covered if mucosal tissue and help moisten the nasal cavity, nostrils and the air you breathe.
upper lateral cartilages - the paired triangular superior nasal cartilages, triangular in shape extending laterally from the dorsal septum making up the lateral walls of the middle third of the nose.
vomer- a bone of the skull that in humans forms the posterior and inferior part of the nasal septum comprising a vertical plate pointed in front and expanding at the upper back part into lateral wings
vomeronasal- of or relating to the vomer and the nasal region and especially to Jacobson's organ or the vomeronasal cartilage
vomeronasal cartilage - a narrow process of cartilage between the vomer and the cartilage of the nasal septum
vomeronasal organ - a slender canal in the nasal mucosa that ends in a blind pouch, has an olfactory function, and is rudimentary in adult humans; called also Jacobson’s organ
vertical facial plane (VFP) - a line perpendicular to the Natural Horizontal Facial Plane.
vestibule- any of various bodily cavities especially when serving as or resembling an entrance to some other cavity or space
vibrissa(plural: vibrissae) - any of the stiff hairs growing within the nostrils that help filter out dust
zygoma- a bone of the side of the face below the eye that forms part of the zygomatic arch and part of the orbit and articulates with the temporal, sphenoid, and frontal bones and with the maxilla of the upper jaw; called also cheekbone, jugal, malar bone, zygomatic bone
zygomatic bone - a bone of the side of the face below the eye that forms part of the zygomatic arch and part of the orbit and articulates with the temporal, sphenoid, and frontal bones and with the maxilla of the upper jaw; called also cheekbone, jugal, malar bone, zygoma